XLX481 / YSF41418 hosted by G4IYT.

2023-09-24: XLX922I now linked to provide access for D-Star users.

2023-08-01: Module B now linked with SystemX 3372.

2023-07-01: Module B now linked with TGIF 3481.

2023-06-23: Module B now linked with Echolink 152735 (G4IYT-L).

2023-03-17: Module B now linked with Allstar 58829.

2023-03-03: Parrot is back on Module F. Incident filed under 'G4IYT should read the docs thoroughly'.

2023-03-01: Parrot is not working while we fix a bug with the DMR bridge.


Module A
Module B DDRC Chat
Module C
Module D
Module E M6LUN Testing
Module F Parrot


xlxd active
hblink3-bridge active
hblink3-playback active
mmdvm-bridge-allstar-58829 active
analog-bridge-allstar-58829 active